Weekly Information for UW Medical Students
September 23-29, 2021
COVID-related Information
Do You Have Concerns About COVID- 19 Symptoms or a Possible Exposure?
If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have encountered a possible or known exposure, please follow these COVID-19 Exposure/Symptoms/Diagnosis procedures:
UW Medicine Town Hall Meeting
Please join us for the next UW Medicine Town Hall on Friday, October 8, at 3:00 PM PT.
Information for All Students
HSIP COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement
Students must upload COVID-19 vaccination records into their CastleBranch account by September 29, 2021. Students will be denied access to practicum sites and will not be able to register for winter quarter until their COVID-19 vaccination is verified by CastleBranch/HSIP or their exemption request is approved. The action to submit COVID vaccinations should be available in your CastleBranch account on Friday, September 10, 2021. Filing a false vaccination record or exemption request will be treated as a serious violation of the UW Student Conduct Code.
No information concerning COVID vaccinations will be shared with practicum facilities other than to verify a student’s vaccination or exemption status. Students will have access to their COVID vaccination records or exemption documents on their MyCB account on the CastleBranch website. The school or program will have access to COVID vaccination records or exemption documents through administrative access to the CastleBranch website.
- Medical Exemptions: The COVID-19 Vaccination Medical Exemption Form is now available to all students. The form must be completed by a licensed healthcare provider and submitted according to the instructions on the form. Please note that students enrolled in HSIP participating programs must submit through BOTH Hall Health AND HSIP. Medical exemption forms are due no later than September 24, 2021.
- Tuberculosis (TB) Screening: (This information is intended for students whose clinical training sites require a recent TB test. Annual TB testing is NOT a SOM requirement). The CDC updated their TB screening recommendations in relation to COVID-19 vaccinations Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC. CDC recommendation have been updated to allow TB skin tests (TSTs) and interferon release assays (IGRAs) to be administered without regard to timing of COVID-19 vaccination. COVID-19 vaccination should not be delayed because of testing for TB infection. Testing for TB infection with one of the immune-based methods, ether the TST or (IGRA), can be done before, after, or during the same encounter as COVID-19 vaccination.
- Religious Accommodations: The COVID-19 Student Religious Accommodation Request Form is now available to students. Section 1 of this form must be completed by a licensed healthcare provider. For students in UW Health Sciences Immunization Program (HSIP), the provider completing the form must be licensed in the state of Washington if the HSIP student’s practicum sites are within Washington state. Section 2 of this form is completed by the student. Please note that students enrolled in HSIP participating programs must submit through BOTH Hall Health AND HSIP. Please follow submission instructions on the form. Religious accommodation forms are due no later than September 24, 2021.
Deadlines – If you are not already vaccinated, please note that to be vaccinated by September 29, you must receive:
- First dose of Moderna by Wednesday, Sept. 1 and second dose by Sept. 29
- First dose of Pfizer by Wednesday, Sept. 8 and second dose by Sept. 29
- Single dose of Johnson & Johnson by Wednesday, Sept. 29
- Acceptable vaccination documentation
- Timing of COVID-19 vaccination and routine vaccines, titers, and TB screening
- Claiming an exemption
Contact the Health Sciences Immunization Program at myshots@uw.edu with questions about the COVID-19 vaccination requirement and verification.
New Strategic Plan for Medical Student Education Program - Student Input Requested
Nearly two years ago, the Educational Quality Improvement & Strategic Planning (EQISP) Committee began crafting a new Strategic Plan for the UW School of Medicine’s Medical Student Education Program. In alignment with UW Medicine and UWSOM plans, the new strategic plan will guide the Medical School Education Program – that part of UWSOM focused specifically on medical students, over the next 5 years. The committee has attempted to create a simple, high-level plan that will provide a “North Star” to guide future decisions.
Stakeholder groups who have provided input into the plan creation include the following: Curriculum Committee, Patient Care Committee, Explore & Focus Committee (all of which have student representatives), Students (via a previous online survey), UWSOM Graduate Medical Education Committee; Faculty Council on Academic Affairs, Academic and Regional Affairs Deans and Administrators, Committee on Minority Faculty Advancement, UWOSM Vice Deans and Finance as well as outside clinical partners.
Now we need additional student input about the current draft form. Student members of the EQISP Committee have previously reached out to students, and we want to reach out again as opinions evolve and your feedback is critical to how we move the school forward.
Please review the Strategic Plan and provide your input here. What is missing? What resonates with you? What is problematic?
Thank you for your time and input to improving our school.
Darryl Potyk & Sherilyn Smith
EQISP Committee Co-Chairs
Next Generation Medicine Webinar: Stressed and Depressed: The Effects of COVID-19 on Mental Health
Tonight, Thursday, September 23, at 6 PM PT, the UW School of Medicine-Gonzaga University Health Partnership is hosting a free Next Generation Medicine webinar featuring Paula Nurius, Professor, UW School of Social Work, and Megan Kennedy, Director of the UW Resilience Lab and Co-Chair of the UW Student Well-Being Collaborative.
The COVID-19 pandemic brought a sudden and rending effect on our well-being. Research on the effects of the pandemic on college and university students will be used to illustrate a “stress framework,” to understand “normal” stressors alongside those galvanized by the pandemic. Our two speakers will discuss the ways in which our mind and body interact when stressed, the disparities among those most affected, and interventions to foster resilience and increase our ability to cope — in multiple ways — with the cumulative effects of the pandemic overlaying our current lives.
This webinar is free and open to everyone.
Class Updates for This Week
- E17 AAMC’s Graduation Questionnaire