UW Medicine
Weekly Information for UW Medical Students
Thursday, July 8, 2021

COVID-Related Information


Do You Have Concerns About COVID- 19 Symptoms or a Possible Exposure? 

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have encountered a possible or known exposure, please follow these COVID-19 Exposure/Symptoms/Diagnosis procedures:
Questions? Contact Dr. Tolbert: adminsa@uw.edu

UW Medicine Town Hall Meeting

Please join us for the next UW Medicine Town Hall in July (date to be announced).


Information for All Students

UW Changes to face coverings, vaccination requirements and other COVID-19 updates 

On July 7, 2021, the University of Washington Office of the President shared important changes to COVID-19 requirements. Read the full message here.  

All medical students must verify their vaccination status as noted in the message from the President and Provost.

How to verify your vaccination status  
Starting today, we ask students to either verify that they have been fully vaccinated, or declare a medical, religious or philosophical exemption:  
Vaccination attestation information is private and confidential.  
  • Instructors may not ask their students about their vaccination status, nor will they have access to students’ records or be expected to verify students’ vaccination status. Instructors may broadly inform students that individuals who are not fully vaccinated need to wear face coverings in the classroom. 
A limited number of employees and students are exempt from the vaccination requirement. See the new vaccination requirement page for more information, including details on privacy protections and links to the attestation forms. 

2021 UW Alumni Association (UWAA) Homecoming Scholars 
  • Applications due August 17 
  • Amount: $2,000 each for 6 students 
  • Requirements: 
  • Will be UW sophomores, juniors, seniors or graduate students in the fall of 2021. 
  • Can articulate the impact of a transformational educational experience while enrolled at the UW. 
  • Are a positive representative of the University 
  • Demonstrate a commitment to community. 
  • For more details and the application link, go to this website 
For a list of outside scholarship opportunities advertised in the student newsletter, visit this webpage
Listserv Rollover Next Week 

The medical student email listservs will rollover the week of 7/12 – 7/16. For example, this means that medyr2ad will be reaching this fall's second year (E20) students. Please continue to send messages to your current listservs until the rollover is complete. 

We will automatically subscribe students to the listserv pertaining to the class in which they will be enrolled in the 2021-22 academic year. 

Students are required to be on the listserv that belongs to their class. AUX list membership is optional (Please note: the AUX listservs are the only way to receive Student Interest Groups and Service Learning emails). 

MD/PhD students currently working on their PhD will be left on medyr3ad (technically they are in their third year the whole time they are in graduate school). If you are doing your PhD and you happen to be on medyr3ad and want to be removed, let us know after the lists rollover and we will take you off that list. 

If you want to be on more than one listserv (usually due to expansion) let us know after the listservs rollover and we can add you to the appropriate listserv.  

Please contact us at medlistserv@uw.edu if you have any questions. 

In case you missed it

Here is a link to last week’s Student Newsletter. That issue included the following information for all students: 
  • UW Masking and Distancing Requirements Remain in Effect 
  • Update on International Student Travel 
  • Learning Environment Corner: Medical student mistreatment: understanding ‘public embarrassment’ vs. ‘public humiliation’ 

Updates for each class: